my oc world

Name: Rainey
Age: 11
Gender: nonbinary
Pronouns: they/them
Species: fairy
Race: black


Like many their age, Rainey is a bit rambunctious and loves to be outside running and playing. They're very outspoken and are very willing to be loud to get their opinion heard on things. They're a social butterfly and love to talk to others and make friends, and often position themselves as the leader of any group of children. More than anything they look up to their older sister, and often go to her for advice. They're very sensitive to being teased or made fun of, especially when it comes to their sister.


Rainey never knew their parents, as both of them died when they were still a baby. As such, their only parental figure has always been their older sister Diana, and they love and adore her just like they would a mother. Despite knowing little about everything their sister went and still goes through, they know she works hard for both of them and are very defensive of her.
Rainey struggled with their gender and orientation from a very young age, but their sister always encouraged them to be themselves and to do whatever made them happiest. As such, they changed their pronouns and are very happy to call themselves nonbinary and to say that they like both girls and boys. However, they sometimes experience bullying and discrimination due to their family history and race, something they've gone to their sister about often and had to learn to face. They want to become a light fairy when they grow up.
View their gallery here!